What makes a great summer flower?

Depending on who you ask, the answer might vary. For the purpose of this exercise, I am defining a summer flower as any flower that is normally available to us here in the Pacific Northwest, growing locally during the months of June, July, and August. I am taking into account color, uniqueness, availability, longevity, and yes, personal preference. Sorry, but I can't entirely eliminate my own bias on this. I polled friends, family members, social media, and folks around the flower shop asking for everyone’s favorite summer flowers. There were many great responses, including some that are available during summer, but are more often spring or fall flowers. They will get an honorable mention. Without further ado, the top 6 best Northwest summer flowers.
1. Dahlia

When I asked folks about their favorite summer flowers almost everyone at least mentioned Dahlias. One of the true tentpole summer flowers, dahlias are incredibly diverse with seemingly endless varieties of every size, shape and color (except for blue) imaginable. Lush, densely packed petals onto a round head they come as small as 2” diameter up to my favorite variety the 12” “dinner plate dahlia.” No summer arrangement would be truly complete without the inclusion of dahlia.
2. Crocosmia Lucifer (Montbretia).

Crocosmia are quintessential summer flowers. Tall, graceful stems branching into neat rows of many flowers, accompanied by beautiful pointy sword-like greens. They grow well in the summer months and stand out in gardens. They are great for using in arrangements due to being hearty and long-lasting even after being cut. The flowers are interesting to look at, shaped like “fingers” that open into delicate petals. The Lucifer variety is our favorite. Bright fire engine red, it adds a real tropical feel at a more modest price point.
3. Scabiosa

Scabiosa is one of my top seasonal picks because, although they are sometimes found in white, lavender, or pink, they are most frequently found in blue. There are other blue flowers out there, but most don’t last very long or have more of a garden variety feel, such as lupine, delphinium, or iris. Scabiosa has a nice frilly look and is a single flower head at the end of a long, graceful stem. Scabiosa is also a great flower to get that "wildflower" look and is available well into fall in our area. It's also slow wilting, so it works great in summer arrangements.
4. Celosia

Celosia, in my estimation, is an underrated and underappreciated flower. But not by this blog. They are one of the more unique and unusual looking flowers, which is one of my top characteristics in flowers. They come in shades of purple, pink, orange, red, yellow, and cream. The flowers look like a single plume, sort of like a bushy animal tail, but upon close inspection, there are many small flowers clustered together. They last a long time as a cut flower and add a fun texture to arrangements. They are native to tropical regions of the Asian continent but can grow in the summer almost anywhere.
5. Paintbrush (Castilleja)

Paintbrush, also known as Prairie Fire, is one of the most recognized eye-catching summer wildflowers. It grows wild in mountains and prairies across western North America from Alaska to Mexico. The name says it all. Flower petals are shaped and dispersed around the stalk like the bristles of an artist's trusty tool, the paintbrush. Bright blazing orange and red tones are evocative of flames from a quickly moving wildfire. One of the more fun flowers you will see on a neighborhood walk, a hike next to the trail, or at your local florist this time of year.
6. Cosmos

Cosmos is a great summer flower for that loose, summery wildflower look. They are available from the flower shop sourced from local farms most of the summer, from June through August. They are an annual and grow easily and abundantly from seed in your flower beds with little attention or maintenance. Pink is the most common color, but they also come in some bi-color varieties and the exotic and amazingly fragrant chocolate cosmos as well.
There are so many great summer flowers, literally too many to mention. But a few that I felt deserved honorable mention here: sunflower, peony, kangaroo paw, zinnia, and all shapes and sizes of garden rose.